Tuesday, December 21, 2010




They did it to us again... They called us BONEHEAD CONSTITUTIONALISTS.

Just because we believe that the Constitution should be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, it is people like me that are the BONEHEAD.

Maureen Dowd, a liberal marxist New York Times spin-doctor-of-propaganda penned this BONEHEAD piece. I don't know which she should be tarred-and-feathered for...this current bonehead garbage OR her former toilet poop called, "Are men Necessary?"

Of course, since her material are usually filled with made-up lies and untruths, I cannot discern what is a lie, or what is a lie, or what is a lie, or what is a lie.

Read her alleged lie at: http://thechronicleherald.ca/TheNovaScotian/1218049.html

She clearly reports, "I understand that it was my decision, and I made the wrong choice," he told the judge."

I took that single sentence and GOOGLED it. Apparently it has gone viral and every pro-Soetoro URL has picked up on it. All attributed the statement to the New York Times (Maureen Dowd) poop-piece. Not another 2nd witness can be found.

Even the militarytimes.com (http://militarytimes.com/blogs/outside-the-wire/2010/12/15/the-army-blotter-prison-for-ltc-in-vets-day-sleepwalk-assault-birther-col-pleads-and-benning-motorcyle-victim-idd/) quotes the Maureen Dowd hit-piece.

I am waiting for a SECOND WITNESS on the matter, or at least a transcipt of his actual words. Does anyone know for a fact he said the words that Dowd claims?

Does anyone know if Dowd was actually in the courtroom? Or is this merely heresay from her?

The militarytimes.com piece said they attribute their source of the quote, "I made the wrong choice" to FORBES. However, the Forbes article attributes their news to the AP and then the AP articles shows no such statement. (See: http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2010/12/14/general-us-army-birther_8203905.html?boxes=Homepagebusinessnews.

To date, Dowd seems to stand alone in her interpretation of what Lakin actually said.

Could someone please tell me what the TRUTH really is? And DON'T tell me that the truth is, "YOU'RE A BONEHEAD IF YOU BELIEVE IN THE CONSTITUTION."

Edward C. Noonan

former 2010 US Senate Candidate (CA)

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