Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ed, what do you think of Lucas's declaration?

From: Edward C. Noonan
To: karl.horst, matthew.kemkes,

Dear Kaatcya,

The Smith declaration is just more delightful gravy on the biscuits. However, what I am really impressed with is the DEFENSE that Cao filed today. You can see it all at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/52781018/THERESA-CAO-NEW-MOTION-TO-DISMISS-SUPERIOR-COURT-OF-THE-DISTRICT-OF-COLUMBIA

We got a precursor of it when it was describe on April 1 in: http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/04/01/how-to-restore-the-republic/

I don't know who this Jedi Pauly is, but he certainly seems to have summarized my vague concepts/feelings of this whole matter in this thepostemail piece and it is so much more intelligent than the layman's way I was trying to describe it all.

I even noticed that some of the court paperwork went to DONALD TRUMP so perhaps there are some big bucks backing her up?

The only problem that I see with her defense via Pauly is that she/they claim that Congress is illegitimate because Soetoro is illegitimate... which of course, would imply THE COURTS are illegitimate as well! If her defense is that Congress cannot be injured because THEY are without constitutional power (De Facto) then shouldn't this apply to the courts as well? (and military)

However, this whole mess is so far into the cesspool that I guess it doesn't matter what else floats by?

But the Lucas Smith declaration and insertion of the Kenyan Birth Certificate certainly adds even another nail into the coffin which entombs our dear departed Constitution. I never cease to wonder how we are ever going to resurrect the old gal. We can prop up the dead cadaver of our beloved Constitution, but I fear no amount of lipstick and bows in her hair will ever bring her back to life.

Now back to the Cao's filing. I am wondering how the Soetoro thugs are going to deny her and thwart her demand:


NOW Theresa S. Cao, sui juris, a living, breathing, American Citizen, who claims and exercises all inherent, unlimited, unalienable Constitutionally guaranteed Rights, and whose name is properly spelled only in upper and lower case letters, who, now, and demands PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS necessary to my defense.
ALL questions are to be answered and all discovery completed before upcoming hearing in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, the next hearing set for March 15, 2011. All parties are going to be called as witnesses, will be cross examined and shall disclose fully and completely the information demanded.

This seems to have been filed last month so let's see how long it takes to get DISCOVERY. When Discovery comes... it will be Armageddon for anyone involved. Our (American Independent Party) Markham & Wiley Drake appeal comes up on May 2nd. Maybe this will help our case?

The Soetoro thugs are "damned if they dismiss" and damned if they don't dismiss. If they dismiss, it is all over for them. Then Cao has the right to file a civil suit of false arrest, false imprisonment, and perhaps kidnapping. I believe that DISCOVERY could be happening SOON! She could get a good chunk of change out of it too - - besides being a national hero!

Pauly advises Cao as follows:

3) This is the most important part. You want to compel Discovery upon Obama to determine if he was born to a U.S. citizen father or not. You would want to compel an Affidavit from Obama, or even better, force a Deposition from him. I would force a Deposition and ask him these questions at least:

a) Was he born to a U.S. citizen father, yes or no?
b) Is he a Constitutional scholar, yes or no?
c) Does he know what the meaning and definition of “natural born Citizen” is in Article II, yes or no? If yes, get him to disclose his understanding. If no, then ask him how he knows that he qualifies for the Office of President.

Since Obama has a team of the best attorneys in the world they must know the truth about the true meaning and interpretation of Article II “natural born Citizen” and are themselves engaging in criminal fraud by advising Obama on how to cheat to stay in power. Ask Obama if any of the attorneys have told him that he does not qualify. This will be introduced later as evidence that speaks to the credibility that Obama cannot possibly be ignorant of the fact that he does not qualify, which proves his criminal intent and conspiracy with others to commit fraud and treason. It will stretch credibility if Theresa Cao, who is a simple layman, can discover and explain the obvious and simple meaning of “natural born Citizen” and how it is obviously defined by the Laws of Nature to mean born to a citizen father, and Obama with his law background and team of outstanding world-class attorneys don’t even know. The jury will be amazed and not believe that Obama or the Prosecutor or Judge cannot possibly know that Obama is unlawfully in the Office of President.

Like I told you in one of my last posts, I bet Soetoro is poopin' in his Muslim dishdasha! If it is finally proven IN COURT that he is NOT QUALIFIED he should/could be charged with murder. Every soldier or sailor killed since Jan 20, 2009 is another murder committed by an illegal alien and bogus Commander in Chief.

And as the above chart shows, the DEATH RATE of our military has gone UP since Soetoro became the De Facto CINC. This is good proof he deserves the death penalty... for multiple murders and planned homicides.

Man! It's gettin' better and better! Soetoro is going down and he will not be able to escape the hangman's noose! Lakin is keeping his seat warm for him and I hope after Soetoro is hung by the neck and burned at the stake, he fries in hell thereafter.

And then I hope Lakin sues the socks off General Horst and the entire Pentagon! Let's recommend Lakin for a 5-Star Promotion. He will be our 21st Century George Washington... and we can start all over. I think this Cao matter is when the SHTF!

Edward C. Noonan

carbon copy:

cc: Major Matthew Kemkes

- Hide quoted text -

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Kaatcya Kaatcya wrote:
what do you think of Lucas's declaration?

--- On Mon, 4/11/11, Lucas S. wrote:

From: Lucas S.
Subject: Lucas Daniel Smith 04.10.2011 Declaration. Filed today, 04.11.2011, in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia
To: "Mario Apuzzo" , "Ralph" , "Robert Gibson" , "Robert Gibson 2" , "Phyllis Vrettos" , "Carl Tapp" , "Charles III" , "Charles Lincoln" , "Sean Boyer"
Date: Monday, April 11, 2011, 2:20 PM

Lucas Daniel Smith 04.10.2011 Declaration.
Filed today, 04.11.2011, in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Palin on Trump the Birther: You Go, Donald


cc: Major Matthew Kemkes

Dear Maj. Gen. Horst:

Palin on Trump the Birther: You Go, Donald
See Faux (FOX) News Video:


General, did you catch that quote in this video from Governor Palin, in this Faux news clip? Palin says that Soetoro's (aka BHO) birth issue is, "perplexing to a lot of people."

Again, I want to point out that you have failed to consider the possibility that your Commander-in-Chief, King Soetoro is a fraud. He knows he is not eligible to hold this rank (hence his forking over $2+ million to hide the facts), and he only does so, partially because you have failed to allow LTC Terry Lakin a fair trial...or for that matter A LEGITIMATE MILITARY TRIAL AT ALL! That kangaroo court that your minions orchestrated gave him NO Constitutional rights! The foreign terrorists currently on trial in America get more Constitutional rights than he did!

It is my opinion, that you will never be worthy of your third or fourth star and you have plateaued at the surface-level of the cesspool that you and your bogus Commander in Chief are swimming in.

George Washington holds 5 Stars forever...you will never achieve equal greatness in your current path of failing to uphold the US Constitution. So cease dreaming of this honor because that dream will never be yours!

No wait a minute...I no longer want you to FREE LTC LAKIN. Instead, I merely request a FAIR TRIAL...that is all I ask! No more kangaroo courts... but an honest to goodness FAIR TRIAL for Lakin! You do this one thing, and I will recommend to the 51% of all Americans that QUESTION THE BIRTH ELIGIBILITY OF KING SOETORO that you become an honorary 5 STAR GENERAL (if not a REAL ONE!)... that's above all the other higher ranking scared mice in the Pentagon! That's above all other Generals in history (sans Washington!) I will urge America to nominate you the greatest general of the 19th, 20th and 21st century...for you would automatically be elevated to that status just by acting on your tardy decision "to have a FAIR TRIAL AT LAST!"

We "constitutionalist' (aka "birthers") have been denied our constitutional rights to be heard in the courts of America for over three years! So, therefore, I appeal to you...


Let the truth come out one way or the other. You have the power to order A MILITARY TRIAL AND END THIS CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS. Do your DUTY! Why do you hide in the shadows and act like a 0 Star PRIVATE instead of a 2 STAR GENERAL!


Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate – Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate – Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate – US Senate (CA)
2006-2008 former State Party Chairman –
American Independent Party (CA)


PS - - Gen Horst, are you listening now?

Saturday, April 9, 2011



cc: Major Matthew Kemkes

Dear Maj. Gen. Horst:

via an email from Edward C. Noonan to General Horst

To the Editor:

Re “Donald Trump Gets Weirder,” by Gail Collins (column, April 2):

Even before Gail Collins was with the New York Times, she has written nasty and derogatory articles about me.

Actually, I have great respect for Ms. Collins in that she has survived so long with so little talent. Her storytelling ability and word usage (coming from me, who has written many bestsellers), is not at a very high level. More importantly, her facts are wrong!

As far as her comments on the so-called “birther” issue, I don't need Ms. Collins's advice. There is a very large segment of our society who believe that Barack Obama, indeed, was not born in the United States. His grandmother from Kenya stated, on tape, that he was born in Kenya and she was there to watch the birth. His family in Honolulu is fighting over which hospital in Hawaii he was born in-they just don't know.

He has not been able to produce a “birth certificate” but merely a totally unsigned “certificate of live birth”-which is totally different and of very little significance. Unlike a birth certificate, a certificate of live birth is very easy to obtain.

Equally of importance, there are no records in Hawaii that a Barack Hussein Obama was born there-no bills, no doctors names, no nurses names, no registrations, no payments, etc.

As far as the two notices placed in newspapers, many things could have happened, but some feel the grandparents put an ad in order to show that he was a citizen of the U.S. with all of the benefits thereto. Everybody, after all, and especially then, wanted to be a United States citizen.

The term used by Ms. Collins-“birther”-is very derogatory and is meant in a derogatory way. Had this been George Bush or almost any other President or Presidential aspirant, they would never have been allowed to attain office, or would have been thrown out of office very quickly.

For some reason, the press protects President Obama beyond anything or anyone I have ever seen. What they don't realize is that if he was not born in the United States, they would have uncovered the greatest "scam" in the history of our country. In other words, they would become the hottest writer since Watergate, or beyond.

Open your eyes, Gail, there's at least a good chance that Barack Hussein Obama has made mincemeat out of our great and cherished Constitution!

New York, April 7, 2011


Likewise General Horst, I offer you the same challenge, "Open your eyes, General Horst, there's at least a good chance (100% chance) that Barack Hussein Obama has made mincemeat out of our great and cherished Constitution!"

And furthermore, like Trump told leftist-leaning Gail Collins, I say to YOU, "What YOU don't realize is that if he was not born in the United States, YOU would have uncovered the greatest "scam" in the history of our country. In other words, YOU would become the hottest (GENERAL since Washington, Lee, IKE or PATTON,) or beyond."

I hope you wake up before it is too late, and NOT go down in history as the General who crucified LTC Lakin (and his military career), the greatest military hero in modern history...and instead, you were the Soetoro-thug who did him harm. There's still time to chose the correct path!


Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate – Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate – Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate – US Senate (CA)
2006-2008 former State Party Chairman –
American Independent Party (CA)


PS - - Gen Horst, are you listening now?

Friday, April 8, 2011



cc: Major Matthew Kemkes

Dear Maj. Gen. Horst:

Whoa! I would hate to be you right now! Have you been following the news? Trump just said your boss, the “illegal alien from Kenya,” was probably born in KENYA! I have sent you two prior emails telling you of this fact, but you failed to respond, and you failed to LOOK INTO THE MATTER and most important of all, YOU FAILED YOUR OATH TO THE US CONSTITUTION! I can tell you, I am going to do all I can to make sure you fry in Hell if not, at least, stew in Leavenworth for your part in the conspiracy to murder the Constitution.

Of course, Lt. Col Terry Lakin told you the same thing…and you and your military-obots sent him to Leavenworth for doing his duty under the U.S. Constitution! I hope you know, I am recommending that you take Lakin’s place and you be tried as a traitor and a conspirator to destroy the Nation that we live in!

And I hope you know, that your boss, King Soetoro (aka BHO) is planning to do away with the Constitution. I just did an article on it on my blog. You can view it at: http://art2defenders.blogspot.com/2011/04/soetoro-step-down-now.html

The article is entitled, “TWO OBAMA OFFICIALS IMPLICATED IN SEDITIOUS PLOT TO DISMANTLE US CONSTITUTION.” I would urge you to read this email alert, ponder it and think again about your so-called illegal alien Commander in Chief.

I can assure you, when this whole mess comes to a head, the American people will soon revolt against you, and the corrupt Pentagon (for failing to vet their own Commander in Chief). And when we also rise up against the perverted Congress and those in the Supreme Court... you will be able to hide no more, and in the end, you’ll be accountable for your misguided choice of preferring to bow down before King Soetoro rather than upholding an honorable military Doctor and officer like LTC Terry Lakin. As far as I am concerned, you are not worthy to stand in Mr. Lakin’s shadow!

You can read on http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2011/04/update-from-meeting-at-trump-tower.html that a closed meeting was held today, between Donald Trump and an Arizona delegation. I am unsure who all the players were in the delegation, but I am sure Trump was listening…whereas YOU ARE NOT! The paragraph that I was pleased to read on this alert was, “We just heard from our fellow patriot who attended the Trump meeting. "IT COULD NOT HAVE GONE BETTER!" Trump was fully engaged and asked questions. On issues that he was unclear he asked the various members of the Arizona delegation to do get the information and documentation to him as soon as possible. The meeting lasted 30 minutes.”

I can guarantee you, that the amount of damaging data that Trump could/will get within 30 minutes… would/will be devastating AGAINST King Soetoro! Don’t you think it should have been YOU requesting documents on King Soetoro, and discovering whether or not King Soetoro was born in Kenya…or the US? Do you not know that a Commander in Chief CANNOT BE A KENYAN illegal alien?! A Commander in Chief MUST BE A US CITIZEN! But you have chosen to remain silent. You have made no effort to answer MY EMAILS nor my charges that you have failed to live up to your oath as a Military officer/soldier.

As a former US Army soldier… an E5, a Specialist Fifth Class, and as a veteran I charge you with failure to defend our Constitution, and failing your fellow officer, LTC Lakin! You should be in his cell in Leavenworth instead!

For the third time now, I ask you to shoulder your responsibility and investigate this matter in a proper manner. Why not be a leader for a change, and stop forcing Donald Trump to do your job for you!

You should be ashamed of your despicable actions and dishonorable conduct. You deserve a dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of your pay and pension…you deserve what you gave Lakin!

Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate – Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate – Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate – US Senate (CA)
2006-2008 former State Party Chairman –
American Independent Party (CA)


Re: Mike MacKenzie / former N. California Minutemen

Hey Mike,

I just got an email that linked me to the Minuteman PAC alert as follows:


The lead paragraph in the email states, “Just days after Marxist Free Market Saboteur Steve Lerner's plans for mass May Day national economic disruptions have become known via secretly caught exposure of a taped meeting with other extremists, now new evidence implicates the Obama White House in sedition. Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein; his wife Samantha Power, Senior Director of the National Security Council; and Department of Justice Attorney General Eric Holder are key players in a related plot to dismantle and destroy America's Constitutional republic.”

And the email alert continues on to describe how these Marxists in the White House have a diabolical plan. “The Obama faction onslaught against America is coming from all sides. A union thug with White House connections plots to crash the American economy while high ranking Obama officials seek to subvert the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We MUST compel Congress to open investigations and HALT the Obama wrecking crew that is daily dismantling America!

New audio has just been released which outlines a very real plan to collapse the American economy — including crashing the stock market and "bring down the banks" — in an effort to finally and irrevocably bring about the fundamental change, radical change, Obama promised. The sinister plan is set to take place the first week of May… and evidence suggests the plan may go all the way to the White House.”

Of course I could not take this on hearsay so I did some searching and discovered that the Minuteman PAC is listed to Mary Parker Lewis. Whois lists PatriotPAC.org:

Created On:22-Mar-2010 23:41:39 UTC
Last Updated On:21-Feb-2011 09:17:24 UTC
Expiration Date:22-Mar-2012 23:41:39 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:eNom, Inc. (R39-LROR)
Registrant ID:C3E56391F3D3375B
Registrant Name:Mary Parker Lewis
Registrant Organization:Politechs, Inc.
Registrant Street1:P.O. Box 364
Registrant City:Sunset Beach
Registrant State/Province:CA
Registrant Postal Code:90742-0364
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.5622128742

Please note the date of registration was March 22, 2011 which was only a couple of weeks ago.

Mary Parker Lewis - - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mary Parker Lewis is a political consultant who most famously served as Chief of Staff to Dr. Alan Keyes,[1] candidate for President of the United States in 1996 and 2000. In addition to running both Keyes presidential campaigns, Lewis also ran the statesman's historic campaign for the U.S. Senate from Illinois against Barack Obama in 2004.

Lewis was born and raised in southern California where she attended Scripps College in Claremont. She then completed graduate studies at Claremont Graduate School in her home state and at Notre Dame Institute in Virginia. Early in her career, Lewis served as a staffer with the Free Congress Foundation and the Hoover Institution. She became special assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation and confidential assistant to William Kristol, Chief of Staff to U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett.[2]

Lewis is also known in conservative activist circles as Executive Director of the Declaration Foundation, grassroots organizations founded by Dr. Alan Keyes to advocate the basic principles and core values of the conservative movement in the United States.”

I also checked the Internet and it seems that this email has gone viral. There seems to be no end of interest in this shocking (but predictable) news… and it seems to be indeed a valid issue from the Minuteman PAC (aka Ms. Lewis).

I am currently enlisting the American Independent Party (the third largest party in America) to call for King Soetoro (aka BHO) to step down as the fraudulent Commander in Chief and step down as the De Facto illegal alien who has usurped the White House.. Soetoro is the greatest fraud perpetrated on this country since its inception... And in addition, all 545 members of congress should be arrested and tried for treason immediately and given the ultimate punishment.. I don’t care who they are or their current persuasion...They are all guilty of treason for not standing up to their oath and to their constituents.... Soetoro is NOT a Natural Born Citizen and is EXACTLY what our founding fathers tried to protect us from... I am finding it difficult to gather people around me who will stand with me and defend our nation against this thug named King Soetoro - - BY CALLING FOR HIM TO STEP DOWN!

I remind you:
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

You know I have been saying the Constitution has been dead for a long time (at least since Jan 20, 2009). I believe Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr, and Bush Jr. helped kill the Constitution, but Soetoro and his minions are just peeing on the corpse!

Here’s a good video to watch to help you convince you that we must rid ourselves of the evil doers in the White House, Congress and Supreme Court… (the Supreme’s Marxist Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor add to the pissing party via in their own special way.)

Goodbye Blue Sky - America's Wall Rising

I am hoping both the American Independent Party and the Minuteman of California will stand up with me and say STEP DOWN! TO THE SOB-MARXIST-ILLEGAL- ALIEN CALLED SOETORO!

What say you?

Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate – Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate – Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate – US Senate (CA)
2006-2008 former State Party Chairman –
American Independent Party (CA)

& Minuteman

Sunday, April 3, 2011

COMMENTS TO: Obama’s ineligibility: conspiracy and cowardice

From: Edward C. Noonan
To: "From the Desk of Edward C. Noonan:"
Date: Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 11:25 AM
Subject: Step down!

My COMMENTS on Canada Free Press

Obama’s ineligibility: conspiracy and cowardice
by PhD Lawrence Sellin

Dr./Colonel Sellin:

Your words are nothing more that tiny whirlwinds in the empty desert. I was hoping you would do the "unthinkable." But, alas you failed to do so...What?... you ask?

You failed to call for the illegal-alien in the White House to STEP DOWN. To remove his sorry-self from the grand office that he has usurped. If your words are not pathological lies, then why are you NOT calling for HIS FRIGGIN' REMOVAL!!!!!!!!!!

Since you are too spineless to do so, I will do it for you...

MR. SOETORO!!!(aka BHO)! We demand you STEP DOWN! Go home to your birthplace (Kenya) and run for office there. You are no longer welcome here! Else PROVE your birth-daddy was a US Citizen with proof positive. And PROVE with legitimate sources the Lucas Smith's Kenyan Birth Certificate is bogus! Until then you are a DE FACTO unelected thug!

How can I be more plain?

Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - US Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party
Posted by Edward C. Noonan on 04/02 at 01:59 PM | #

What Dr./Colonel Sellin's article does not mention, is the corruption of the election system. Here in California, there were only 6 POTUS candidates on the ballot in 2008. The 2 big-bucks parties had 2 illegal aliens running for President...#1) Mr. Soetoro (aka BHO) and #2) John McCain, citizen of Panama. Neither can show proof of NBC with valid public records like your GOP candidate Donald Trump can/has. Scoff all you want, but of the three, TRUMP is the ONLY natural born citizen.

So of the 6 California candidates for POTUS, two were disqualified on the spot (Dems and Reps) (they didn't qualify as NBC). That left only four other ballot qualified candidates. The candidate of the 3rd largest party in the United States (AIP) Alan Keyes, did not win the election because of the corruption of the two big criminal parties.

Only Alan Keyes protested the illegal vote and the De Facto usurping of the office of POTUS. Therefore the other three candidates cannot be considered eligible to that office (since they did not protest).

The political/judicial corruption continued. Dr. Keyes case was tossed out because the corrupt judge said the Secretary of State was not liable to "vet" the Presidential candidate... although throughout the history of California...this was NOT SO! Other POTUS candidates had been tossed off the ballot in CA for not being QUALIFIED.

As a longtime supporter of Dr. Keyes (GOOGLE Edward C. Noonan AND Alan Keyes) you will discover that I have no racist problems with African Americans. I helped Dr. Keyes win the nomination of President in the State of California. So don't plant the racist card on me!

Alan Keyes should have been our FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT and Mr. Soetoro should step down and Alan Keyes be put in his place for the next two years! And too, Soetoro stole the US SENATE seat from Keyes via lies and deception. Soetoro is NOT A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES...PERIOD!

Africa/Kenya can have Soetoro back, and we can let the blacks have a GOOD BLACK PRESIDENT in office. I can assure you Alan Keyes can and WILL provide a valid birth certificate, and valid personal records on demand.




Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party
Posted by Edward C. Noonan on 04/03 at 01:40 PM | #

To: Mike Bailey

I have copies of two jpgs BIRTH CERTIFICATES on my computer...one of the bogus Robert Gibbs photoshopped factcheck.org BC scam (and Gov AmberCOMMIE stated he could FIND NO LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!) No court of law has ever reviewed a copy of this fraudulent piece of paper.

The second image on my computer is a copy of Lucas Smith's 1961 KENYA birth certificate for BHO (Mr. Soetoro). Smith has filed this document in a COURT and has sent notarized copies of it to every congressperson of the 110th. Of the two BC's I am convinced that the bogus Annenberg inspired Birth Certificate is only .9999999999999999% valid.

However, I believe the Lucas Smith 1961 Kenyan BHO Birth Certificate is 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% valid!

Either PROVE IT FALSE or shut the frack up!




Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party

PS I stipulate the Lavendar Kenyan birth cert is bogus.
Posted by Edward C. Noonan on 04/03 at 02:15 PM | #


And for the next friggin' thing! The Annenberg fake BC (the organization where Soetoro used to work) shows Soetoro's birth certificate with the CERTIFICATION NUMBER scratched out (photoshopped out). What gives? This BC has been seen by every American, Canadian, Englishman, Frenchman, Chineseman, and Kenyan in the world. When are they going to produce the BC "with the friggin' number on it?!!) So, Mr. Bailey, get your obot friends (libtards) (I like that one!) and SHOW ME THE REAL NUMBER on the BC! Supposedly the Annenberg-bots still have the original?

You can't right? That would then be FRAUD when it is discovered it is really not a legitimate Hawaiian document. Has Annenberg even seen the real number... or was this how it was MAILED TO THEM FROM HAWAII. Else could you show me the ENVELOPE that it came in? Surely if it was mailed in 2008 (as Gibbs claims) and it was mailed to a US SENATOR, the envelope would have been kept for posterity!!!! Show me the date of cancellation on the envelope! Or was it phonied up like the Social Security numbers and the Selective Service card?

Bailey! Why do you continue to defend such a rascal like Soetoro?




Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party
Posted by Edward C. Noonan on 04/03 at 02:37 PM | #


to: info@birthers.org
cc: letters@worldnetdaily.com
date: Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 9:51 AM
subject: Where's the darn NATURALIZATION FORM?

Dear info@birthers.org:

Okay "birthers.org" what gives? WND says you are supposed to have a proof
that Mrs. Trump (Sr.) became a naturalized citizen 4 years prior to Donald
Trump being born... the exact quote is, WND: "*Now the Birthers.org website, which has been among those questioning Obama's eligibility, reports that Trump's mother did indeed become a U.S. citizen before the birth of Donald. It displays a small image of a signed naturalization receipt for Mrs. Trump on March 10, 1942, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, four years before Donald was born."
The WND article today is entitled:
"Now look who's getting grilled over eligibility"

I excitedly searched your webpage for the promised "naturalization" form of
his mother but it is not there! Could it be on a different page?

And too, your math is wrong. 9% is not 9 out of 10, it is 9 out of 100. I
guess they could call 9% (9 out of 100) of the populace NOT CONSENTING to
the demands of the Majority is insignificant but still discrimination is

At anyrate, Mrs. Trump Sr does appear to have been born in Scotland
according to the BC, but the matter needs to be determined if SHE HAD BEEN
NATURALIZED BEFORE HIS BIRTH! Do you have those naturalization records or

Edward C. Noonan

from: info@birthers.org
to: "Edward C. Noonan"
date: Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:14 PM
subject: Re: Where's the darn NATURALIZATION FORM?

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 12:14 PM, wrote:

What you are looking at Mr. Noonan is the stub that was attached to her
naturalization form. This stub receipt is much like the stub found on the
side of business checks. The actual certificate was torn off and the stub
remained as an official court document. This stub receipt comes from the
national archives of the United States. This originally appeared in

If you read what was written 9% of Americans believe Obama has produced
sufficient to proof to have shown he is qualified to be President, 90% or
9 out of 10 do not.


from: Edward C. Noonan
to: info@birthers.org
date: Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 4:05 PM
subject: Re: Where's the darn NATURALIZATION FORM?

Dear info@birthers.org :

Thank you for your quick response.

I have reviewed the NATURALIZATION card from your link and can now 100% agree that this seems to be legitimate internet proof of the NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP of Donald Trump. It was hard to read via your webpage, but WND re-did their article and now a clear image appears there.

And until proven bogus, I accept this as 100% genuine. Thank you for posting this on your webpage. It will help quell the obots and trolls that desire to vet Trump, but refuse to vet their own illegal alien. Trump seems to pass the NATURAL BORN CITIZEN mandate of ART II whereas Mr. Soetoro (aka BHO) does NOT!

I do however, still have unanswered questions - - even after re-examining the sources for the survey. I do see that you quote the WND article accurately that "only 9% of Americans believe Obama has sufficiently proved his eligibility." but their other quote was 9 out of 10 do not believe he does not qualify. I don't know how WND or you arrived at that conclusion? Perhaps they draw it from question 2? (is there another poll? Here are the first 5 questions of the WND/Wentzel poll survey and the responses:

1. Are you aware of questions raised about Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility for the office of president?

My Comment: I am amazed that 76.8% of everyone questioned in this survey ACTUALLY HAS HEARD of this Art II Constitutional question. This really blows my mind! The conclusion that you would draw from this, that if you walked down the street...7 or 8 of every 10 people would actually have heard of the matter! OUTSTANDING! There may be hope for America yet!

2. What is your view of lingering questions about Obama’s eligibility to be President?

My Comment: This is almost a party-line question. 41.2% (32.1 + 9.1) of Dems/GOP/ Independents want the question to go away, and then 49.8% (41.9 + 7.9) of Dems/GOP/ and Independents are troubled or feel it is an important question. I am not sure how WND got 9 out of 10 but the stats here say different.

3. President Obama has refused to release his educational records, which could prove or disprove whether or not he was born in the United States as required by the Constitution. What is your opinion of the fact Obama has not released his educational records?

My Comment: This one is pretty damaging to Soetoro as well. Here it shows that 56.7% of all respondents says to RELEASES THE DARN DOCUMENTS! This clearly shows what the WILL OF THE PEOPLE seem to indicate! But then again, when has Soetoro ever gone by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE?

4. Some states have drafted legislation requiring candidates for President to prove that they were born in the United States and also meet all other Constitutional requirements to be qualified to serve as President of the United States. Do you support or oppose such state legislation?

My Comment: Again, this indicates that all is not going well with Soetoro. This indicates that a super- majority (nearly 2/3) or 65.2% of all those who responded believed that it is the STATES responsibility to OVERSEE the federal election of the POTUS. Only 23.8% felt otherwise!

5. Generally speaking, do you think the United States is headed in the right direction, or is it off on the wrong track?

My Comment: Again, 65.4% believe that our country is headed on the wrong path? And even more devastating to Soetoro and his minions, is that 38.7% of Democrats do not believe Soetoro is on THE RIGHT TRACK. Soetoro cannot even get 50% from his own crowd! His cesspool is quickly draining...and he may be replacing LTC Terry Lakin in the Leavenworth Graybar Hotel, and Lakin can be President...and we can give out Soetoro's cell number instead.

See> http://www.wnd.com/files/MarchObamaQ1.pdf (input Q2, Q3, etc for each additional question...)

Anyway, these are my comments. You and WND have done great in this whole matter. I am not complaining...just pointing out my observations!

Thanks again for your work and dedication,

Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - US Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party


My COMMENTS on canadafreepress.com

My COMMENTS on canadafreepress.com

Obama’s ineligibility:
conspiracy and cowardice

Dr./Colonel Sellin:

Your words are nothing more that tiny whirlwinds in the empty desert. I was hoping you would do the "unthinkable." But, alas you failed to do so...What?... you ask?

You failed to call for the illegal-alien in the White House to STEP DOWN. To remove his sorry-self from the grand office that he has usurped. If your words are not pathological lies, then why are you NOT calling for HIS FRIGGIN' REMOVAL!!!!!!!!!!

Since you are too spineless to do so, I will do it for you...

MR. SOETORO!!!(aka BHO)! We demand you STEP DOWN! Go home to your birthplace (Kenya) and run for office there. You are no longer welcome here! Else PROVE your birth-daddy was a US Citizen with proof positive. And PROVE with legitimate sources the Lucas Smith's Kenyan Birth Certificate is bogus! Until then you are a DE FACTO unelected thug!

How can I be more plain?

Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - US Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party
Posted by Edward C. Noonan on 04/02 at 01:59 PM | #


What Dr./Colonel Sellin's article does not mention, is the corruption of the election system. Here in California, there were only 6 POTUS candidates on the ballot in 2008. The 2 big-bucks parties had 2 illegal aliens running for President...#1) Mr. Soetoro (aka BHO) and #2) John McCain, citizen of Panama. Neither can show proof of NBC with valid public records like your GOP candidate Donald Trump can/has. Scoff all you want, but of the three, TRUMP is the ONLY natural born citizen.

So of the 6 California candidates for POTUS, two were disqualified on the spot (Dems and Reps) (they didn't qualify as NBC). That left only four other ballot qualified candidates. The candidate of the 3rd largest party in the United States (AIP) Alan Keyes, did not win the election because of the corruption of the two big criminal parties.

Only Alan Keyes protested the illegal vote and the De Facto usurping of the office of POTUS. Therefore the other three candidates cannot be considered eligible to that office (since they did not protest).

The political/judicial corruption continued. Dr. Keyes case was tossed out because the corrupt judge said the Secretary of State was not liable to "vet" the Presidential candidate... although throughout the history of California...this was NOT SO! Other POTUS candidates had been tossed off the ballot in CA for not being QUALIFIED.

As a longtime supporter of Dr. Keyes (GOOGLE Edward C. Noonan AND Alan Keyes) you will discover that I have no racist problems with African Americans. I helped Dr. Keyes win the nomination of President in the State of California. So don't plant the racist card on me!

Alan Keyes should have been our FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT and Mr. Soetoro should step down and Alan Keyes be put in his place for the next two years! And too, Soetoro stole the US SENATE seat from Keyes via lies and deception. Soetoro is NOT A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES...PERIOD!

Africa/Kenya can have Soetoro back, and we can let the blacks have a GOOD BLACK PRESIDENT in office. I can assure you Alan Keyes can and WILL provide a valid birth certificate, and valid personal records on demand.




Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party
Posted by Edward C. Noonan on 04/03 at 01:40 PM | #
To: Mike Bailey

I have copies of two jpgs BIRTH CERTIFICATES on my computer...one of the bogus Robert Gibbs photoshopped factcheck.org BC scam (and Gov AmberCOMMIE stated he could FIND NO LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!) No court of law has ever reviewed a copy of this fraudulent piece of paper.

The second image on my computer is a copy of Lucas Smith's 1961 KENYA birth certificate for BHO (Mr. Soetoro). Smith has filed this document in a COURT and has sent notarized copies of it to every congressperson of the 110th. Of the two BC's I am convinced that the bogus Annenberg inspired Birth Certificate is only .9999999999999999% valid.

However, I believe the Lucas Smith 1961 Kenyan BHO Birth Certificate is 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% valid!

Either PROVE IT FALSE or shut the frack up!




Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party

PS I stipulate the Lavendar Kenyan birth cert is bogus.
Posted by Edward C. Noonan on 04/03 at 02:15 PM | #
And for the next friggin' thing! The Annenberg fake BC (the organization where Soetoro used to work) shows Soetoro's birth certificate with the CERTIFICATION NUMBER scratched out (photoshopped out). What gives? This BC has been seen by every American, Canadian, Englishman, Frenchman, Chineseman, and Kenyan in the world. When are they going to produce the BC "with the friggin' number on it?!!) So, Mr. Bailey, get your obot friends (libtards) (I like that one!) and SHOW ME THE REAL NUMBER on the BC! Supposedly the Annenberg-bots still have the original?

You can't right? That would then be FRAUD when it is discovered it is really not a legitimate Hawaiian document. Has Annenberg even seen the real number... or was this how it was MAILED TO THEM FROM HAWAII. Else could you show me the ENVELOPE that it came in? Surely if it was mailed in 2008 (as Gibbs claims) and it was mailed to a US SENATOR, the envelope would have been kept for posterity!!!! Show me the date of cancellation on the envelope! Or was it phonied up like the Social Security numbers and the Selective Service card?

Bailey! Why do you continue to defend such a rascal like Soetoro?




Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate - Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party
Posted by Edward C. Noonan on 04/03 at 02:37 PM | #

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Hallelujah, Lord!" and Thank You Donald Trump!

from: Edward C. Noonan
to: info@sandiego.com
date: Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 11:03 PM
subject: "Hallelujah, Lord!" AND Donald Trump!
Re: http://www.sandiego.com/news/opinion-feature-the-obama-birth-certificate-debate

"Hallelujah, Lord!"

A San Diego online newspaper has finally seriously addressed the NATURAL BORN CITIZEN matter of Mr. Soetoro! It is the first California news media (to my knowledge) that has attempted to do so. Of course, it was intermingled with the writings (gibberish) of an "obot TROLL" but for once, the word is starting to get out in a serious way. Please read the piece at: http://www.sandiego.com/news/opinion-feature-the-obama-birth-certificate-debate

The serious journalist is William Lolli (in this piece), and the other saul-alinsky-troll is a buffoon named Dick Ellis. It seems to have all come about because of Donald Trump putting Whoopi in her place on "the View" last week. I wish Trump could have been as succinct as Mr Lolli was, in this news piece, because Lolli quickly and brilliantly laid out the "Birther" complaint. It has really nothing to do with BIRTH CERTIFICATES... it mostly has to do with whether or not both your parents are US citizens, and was the child born in the US?... in which case Mr. Soetoro (aka BHO) fails! (Soetoro's birth daddy was an alien...which makes Soetoro part alien...hence, NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN!)

But nevertheless, Trump has done wonders in opening up the dialogue in America about the illegal alien that sits in the White House, and acting as the Commander in Thief.

We need to get Trump a copy of Lucas Smith's Obama's KENYAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE and see if we can't get this new BIRTHER BILLIONAIRE to find some courage to bribe Soetoro's communist cousin, Raila Odinga, (who has the support of the Muslims who are killing people in Kenya) and convince Odinga to PRODUCE THE DAMN KENYAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF HIS COMMUNIST KENYAN COUSIN (BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA)! I am sure Trump has enough money to get Odinga to turn on his half-white illegitimate cousin here in the states! I bet for $500 K Odinga would turn on his grandmother let alone his bigamy-created-Muslim-cousin Barack!


The score now:
Birthers 1 - - Anti-Constitutionalist 999999999999e (the maximum number that a calucator can display)
which is better than the former
Birthers 0 - - Anti-Constitutionalist 999999999999e

Anyway, William Lolli...send me your photo and I will place you in my 2nd edition - 2012: Political Disaster Guaranteed. You get a free entry at the end of my book in my BONUS SECTION: "Birther Brigade" Hall of Fame! See: http://art2defenders.blogspot.com/

Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate - Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate - Governor(CA)
2010 Candidate - US Senate (CA)
Former 2006-2008 State Party Chairman -
American Independent Party

PS: To Mr. Troll (Dick Ellis). No I do not hate Mr. Soetoro because he is black, I hate him for his lies and his deceit. In the 2008 I voted for the FIRST REAL BLACK CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT...Alan Keyes. GOOGLE my name EDWARD C. NOONAN with the name ALAN KEYES and you will see that I have no aversion about voting for someone outside my color...so you fail the test of truth again.

About his Muslim-ness, that I do have problems with. I do not believe that Sharia law is compatible with the Constitution... nor Biblical/Christian standards! You may be slightly right there... but still it has nothing to do with Soetoro's race.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Get a copy of my new book!

Political Disaster Guaranteed

What is going to happen on November 6, 2012?

What is going to happen on December 21, 2012?

Written by
Edward C. Noonan
2002 Candidate – Secretary of State (CA)
2006 Candidate – Governor (CA)
2010 Candidate – US Senate (CA)
2006-2008 State Party Chairman
American Independent Party

90 pages: Describes why Barry Soetoro (aka BHO) is not eligible to be POTUS or Commander in Chief. This book states that our Constitution is Dead (and why) and
it needs to be resurrected before it is too late.

CD copy $10 + $2.00 S/H
Autographed Printed copy $25 plus + $5.00 S/H

Paypal @ ednoonan7@gmail.com
Check or Money order @ AFI, 1561 N. Beale Rd, Linda, CA 95901

Sunday, January 16, 2011

guest on the WESTERN REGION INDEPENDENT AMERICAN PARTY regional online chat

from: Edward C. Noonan
to: CAMormonBattallion@yahoogroups.com
date: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 4:04 PM
subject: Fwd: Thanks Ed


I was invited to be a guest on the WESTERN REGION INDEPENDENT AMERICAN PARTY regional online chat...My testimony of the current condition of Amerika was rejected as strongly there, as it is here in my own CALIFORNIA MORMON BATTALION. When I said, "the Constitution is dead...and has been dead since 1881 (and maybe before), I got mighty grumblings and resistance. There was a consensus that the Constitution was indeed "hanging by a thread" but they all seemed to reject my premise that the constitution went into full fledged apostasy on Jan 20, 2009 when we elected a illegal alien as the squatter in the White House. They seemed all unaware that there had been a previous Constitutional Apostasy once before in 1881 with Chester Arthur.

They did however, have 100% solid agreement that the illegal alien problem is a serious matter. They all seemed to concur that something needed to be done about securing our borders and cease handing out goodies and non-citizen freebies to every Senor Tom, Dick and Senora Harriette (illegal alien) that appears at the public trough.

Kelly sent me a thank-you email (below) and I sent him a return thank-you email (below). In it, I described my book that I was writing and you can review my comments to him below.

I will admit, it was a pleasure to be in that meeting. One of the National Committee members, from Idaho gave the opening prayer, AND IT WAS SO AWESOME hearing a fellow LDS offer an online prayer...She gave a much different prayer than the usual Baptist or Lutheran, etc than I have been hearing for the last 10 years that I have been with the AIP (and before 2008, the GOP; after 2000 the CP.)

At anyrate, just thought I'd relay the jist of the meeting and how a cautious, but friendly hand was offered in both the Monday and the Tuesday online meeting that I had with the IAP.

There is another WESTERN REGIONAL online meeting next (every) Tuesday. Would anyone like to come and meet the IAP?

Edward C. Noonan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edward C. Noonan
Date: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks Ed
To: Kelly Gneiting
Cc: inathansorenson@yahoo.com


Well, thank you for inviting me, and letting me vent on the lack of awareness that many Americans, and many, many LDS have of the awful situation that we are in. People everywhere, Republicans, LDS, and just Americans hate for me to claim that the "Constitution is dead" ...and that it has been dead for nearly 125 years (since the illegal President Chester Arthur conned his way into to the office of the Vice Presidency and then the Presidency.)

And they especially hate me to say that our Constitution died the second time, when an illegal alien filled the rank of Commander in Chief and became a squatter in the White House.

I am currently writing a book called SATAN AND THE CONSTITUTION. It recounts how Satan attempted to destroy our Heavenly Constitution in the Pre-Existence (and nearly did it) (and THAT battle still wages on!) and it also describes how he successfully has destroyed our Constitution here on earth.

The book starts out with describing the APOSTASY of Christ's church and the almost immediate APOSTASY of Christ's church...the 12 Apostles had a short time that it expanded past the death of Christ, and one or two new Apostles were chosen...but a deadly apostasy fell upon the church. The book also describes how the APOSTASY also killed off Christ's church in America. Luckily we had a set of ancient records recorded on golden plates to remind us how surely the church can die.

In our Modern times, we have let our Constitution die as certainly did the Saints that remained after Christ's church of ancient times, and as did the Nephites and the Lamanites.

It has always been my hope that since many LDS understand the concept the principle of "having the keys," and "having the authority" (aka Priesthood) being taken away because the lack of authority...they would understand my warning that the same thing has happened via our Constitution. Art I, Sec 7 states the mandated legislative process that Congress MUST comply with..."Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it..."

If there is an illegitimate President...then nothing he signs nor approves of, or VETOS or even considered has any merit! NOTHING, NADA, ZERO, ZILCH, ZIP! The apostasy is a sure with the political realm as it is with the celestial realm.

When an illegal alien takes office in the White House...the Constitution is not "hanging as a thread" but it is DEAD. There is no remedy...especially when the Supreme Court, and the Congress is in on the corruption and deceit.

This brings us to the second question... It happened one time before. In 1881 with Chester Arthur. He may have been born in Canada, but it is very, very clear that Arthur's father was not a US Citizen. Aurthur was born in 1829 and Arthur's father was "naturalized in 1843." There is sufficent proof that Arthur was NOT a legitimate president and nothing he signed, no appointments he made were legitimate...AND 12 OF THE 50 STATES OF THE UNION ARE NON-STATES:

39 - North Dakota - November 2, 1889
40 - South Dakota - November 2, 1889
41 - Montana - November 8, 1889
42 - Washington - November 11, 1889
43 - Idaho - July 3, 1890
44 - Wyoming - July 10, 1890
45 - Utah - January 4, 1896
46 - Oklahoma - November 16, 1907
47 - New Mexico - January 6, 1912
48 - Arizona - February 14, 1912
49 - Alaska - January 3, 1959
50 - Hawaii - August 21, 1959

I think you told me that you were born in Idaho? As you can see from above, Idaho is not a state of the union if Arthur was not qualified to be president. But Idaho was a incorporated Territory prior to the election of the bogus Arthur...so at least Idaho is a TERRITORY. And as such people born in the territory of Idaho are citizens of the territory of Idaho.

In my book I point out that it is amusing that Arthur was instrumental in getting Hawaii started on the path of becoming a territory of the US...during his bogus term...but Hawaii was not actually (bogus-ly) made a territory until 1898. Since Arthur was not a legitimate natural born citizen, then Hawaii can never be considered a territory OR a state...therefore, Mr. Soetoro is not natural born either as a citizen of the territory of Hawaii or the State of Hawaii, since neither ever happened....To be natural born, one could NOT be born in Hawaii, nor could one of THE parents.

Sadly, (to me) my father was born in California, but my mother was born in Oklahoma (1919) ...so therefore I cannot consider myself a natural born citizen. Since Oklahoma was illegally made a territory in 1890 (anything after 1881 is unconstitutional) and it unconstitutionally made a state in 1905 I cannot consider myself a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.

Alaska was unconstitutionally made a territory in 1912. This is, of course, AFTER the unconstitutional presidency of Arthur...so it never became a territory and of course, never became a state in 1959...So Sarah Palin is NOT a natural born citizen.

So here we have an apostasy of great proportions within the political landscape. The keys to act within the government have been removed just as the keys were removed from Christ's church in ancient times. We can make-believe that the Constitution is well and alive...but we merely kid ourselves.

Can we restore the Constitution to it's pre-death condition. I find it almost impossible. Should we try? OF COURSE. But until we continue to deny the apostasy...the Lord is going to let us fry in our own ignorance. Apostasy has the same definition today that it did nearly 2000 years ago:

n. pl. a·pos·ta·sies
Abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.

All I can say, is that we have abondoned the requirement of NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP of the Commander In Chief/President and we have refused to hold dear this Supreme Law of the land...and it is no longer supreme. But then again, most of our Bill of Rights have been cast aside as well.

If what I say is true...what are we going to do about it?

Edward C. Noonan

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Kelly Gneiting wrote:

Thanks for being on the call last night, Ed. We are on every Tuesday. The only exception is when we physically meet together, but if this is the case, we'll announce it via email. Normally, John is not on.

You made a lot of good points. Hopefully, together we can see real chang in America.

Hope all is well with you and your family.
